Losing time, not fun

Lately I’ve been loosing time from my daily life, well I guess you could say I’ve been blacking out. Such was the case not 10 minutes ago before writing. My morning went like this: woke up and went to get breakfast with the roomy and his girlfriend. We laughed, took pictures, delighted in the magnificent food and came back home. I sat down on the couch for a minute to check my mail on my computer and the next thing I know it’s 2:00 and I’m in different clothes and playing a game. It was 10:45 ish when I sat down so I lost a few hours of mine. My roomy had left but he said that I was asleep when he did yet I have these flash backs to things happening, like I am remembering a bad dream or something. The whole thing bugs me a little because I don’t remember falling asleep and I don’t feel tired one bit and the flash backs are too real to me. On top of just today’s instance I’ve been finding random drawings in my notebooks, one’s I don’t remember doing yet no one else has access to my notebooks. I accept that I have two sides to my coin but part of me worries that both sides are fighting for my consciousness, not a whole lot of worry but just enough to keep me mindful of myself.

Should I go or sell?

I’ve received an email stating the the concert tickets I bought months ago have been sent out and should arrive shortly. What I’ve been thinking about since I got the email is “what am I going to do with them? Sell them? Go to the concert?” Well I definitely won’t be able to sell them for what I paid and I could go but I have two tickets and no person to go with so this is my dilemma at the moment. I’m more inclined to go and just find a date for the day for a few reasons: (1) I already have the tickets and the day off. (2) It would be nice to just have a day away. (3) I would like to have a new memory to replace the one I have now of the last time I went to see the band. (4) A road trip with good music and conversation sounds wonderful.

Tomorrow can’t get here fast enough! I’m very anxious for Thursday to get here that way I can try to find another way to get to sleep. I really haven’t been able to get much rest lately and have tried multiple things yet no such luck comes my way, yet tomorrow we’ll see if I can finally get rest; I’m very tired.

My cousin has been struggling with math so I always pester her about it and tell her to keep studying. Well, today she sent me a picture of her test and I’m very proud to see that the studying is paying off since she passed her test with a 100%. I’m very proud!

Sleepy weekend

First, it’s nice to know that there are people who can understand where I’m coming from and be supportive. I was left a very nice message and it reminds me not to stop smiling. https://jxmunoz.wordpress.com/2014/10/01/conversations/#comments

So I finally gave in and bought medicine to help me sleep at night so I might gain some normality to my sleep cycle. It worked alright, I fell asleep before 1AM  but it didn’t have the effect I hoped it would; I woke up 4 hours later. The medicine worked but didn’t work in that I was able to get to sleep but it didn’t work in that it didn’t keep me asleep like I hoped it would. Man, I was getting 4 hours of sleep already, all I did was make that time earlier in the night. Here I am at 5AM laying in bed thinking about how my day was going to go while trying to get just another hour or two.

My work decided to give me the weekend off and I actually don’t have any plans for it, my homework is all group and super simple, it’s practically finished, my cars are doing alright and don’t need any maintenance, I could play video games all weekend, I could eat the little I do, but I think what I’m going to do is try to sleep. I’m thinking about taking some medicine tonight to fall asleep and then hopefully stay there and if I wake up maybe I’ll just take some more. This weekend will be all about sleep, I won’t do anything else, well not true, the medicine does take a while to take effect so while I’m waiting for that I might talk to my family back home and maybe put up a post if a thought crosses my mind.

My microprocessor lab was a little long, I understood it but for whatever reason my brain is drawing a blank, I actually had more to say but I suppose I’ll have to post it later when I remember.